Feeding the Picky Eater: Ottawa Irrigation for Difficult Grass

It's not just people that can be picky eaters – these types can appear in nature too. Certain grasses require particular feeding regimens from your inground irrigation system, especially if you have just overseeded your lawn. Your Ottawa irrigation program should be built around catering to the specific needs of your grass. At Nutri-Lawn Ottawa, we want to see your grass succeed. That's why we're going to offer you tips for adjusting your Nutri-Lawn Ottawa inground sprinkler systems for even the pickiest of yards.

Maintaining the established lawn
Your Ottawa irrigation is going to have the easiest time maintaining already established lawns. These require about 3 centimeters of water weekly, either from your inground irrigation system or from precipitation. If you don't already have one, install a weather sensor in your Nutri-Lawn Ottawa inground sprinkler systems so that your grass doesn't get a double dose during a rainy period. The sensor will automatically switch off your scheduled watering following a storm.

If your lawn does begin to go dry and brown, don't fret. This may just be your grass kicking up its defenses during a drought. Dormant lawns are most often the cause of brown colouring, and do not necessarily mean your lawn is in poor health. Just keep providing the 3 centimeters weekly, and your lawn will return to its green splendour when the dry heat has passed.

Ottawa irrigation and overseeding
Lawns that have just been planted or overseeded are delicate. They need a specific irrigation routine in order to grow strong, healthy roots. Ideally, your inground irrigation system should provide 5-7 centimeters of water weekly. Deep and frequent irrigation is key to a fortified lawn. Once the grass has sprouted and taken good root into the soil, you can reduce your lawn to "established" status and subsequently cut back watering to only 3 centimeters weekly.

The picky eaters
There are a few "picky" areas of your lawn that you need to water carefully: shaded areas, slopes, and treed areas. These areas are exceptions to the established and new lawn rules.

Shaded areas of your lawn will require less water than non-shaded areas. Shade prevents water from evaporating and too much water is just as bad for your lawn as not enough. Run your Nutri-Lawn Ottawa inground sprinkler system for less time in these areas to prevent the development of mould and diseases.

Slopes will require a bit more manual watering. Slopes are a major Ottawa irrigation issue, as runoff is one of the more common causes of water wastage. To avoid wasting water, let your inground irrigation systems run until you begin to notice runoff. At that point, turn your systems off for half an hour before turning them on again to repeat the cycle until the sloped area has received enough water.

Treed areas require a particularly large volume of water to survive. Trees soak up a lot of moisture to maintain healthy roots, and don't leave much for your grass if your inground irrigation systems haven't been adjusted to account for the trees. Water a little more heavily in these areas in order to keep both grass and trees healthy and happy.

Prepare your grass for fall and winter with proper Ottawa irrigation practices. Receive your complimentary quote from the Nutri-Lawn Ottawa inground sprinkler system experts today!